detrashed sugarcane cane - ARB attachment

Clean detrashed clean cane

F17 Cane harvester is so versatile it will detrash,
(clean all the leafs and top leafs) during the harvesting time, and the same cane will be loaded on to back of the bin,
Cane come our clean and ready for delivery to sugar mill,
In normal days humans have to clean the leafs by hand, and load manually to truck which was very time consuming and huge amount of man power was needed.
We had invested 3 years of R&D to do the entire process on the same machine, Its called cane simultaneous harvesting operation. (CSHO)

De trash and blower attached

F17 Sugarcane harvester with blower

On the left side picture re you can see the blower,
after cleaning, leafs will be blown back to field.
F17 Sugarcane harvester