Stone Clamp - ARB attachment

Stone Grabbing Clamp

Stone Grabbing Saves over 300% on labour cost, Picking and loading Stones from Field to Tipper or transport vahicle.

Stone Lifting clamp

Stone lifting clamp very useful and easy to use, its made with self weight technology.

No need external power.

Price Rs: 29000 It can lift 5 pcs of stone.

Stone Lifting clamp

Rs:29000 + GST

Delivery: 30 Days
Booking Advance : 50%
for details call or what’s up: 9840692811
Comes with clamp & Hook only.


Clamp used for lifting heavy stone materials, Lift capacity 4.5 ton.

Call 9840692811 or what's app for prompt response. We can design and manufacture clamp and Crane as per your requirement, and specifications.