Cane leaf remover, Sugarcane detrasher,Cane detrasher,

Sugarcane Leaf remover .
Mini tractor PTO operated

Tractor power operated sugarcane detrasher was developed for removal of green top as well as dry trash from the harvested sugarcane stalks. It consisted of mechanisms for cane feeding, detrashing and delivery. It separates the top from the cane by breaking it from the natural weak point at the joint of immature top with mature cane stalks. It can be transported on three point linkage of the tractor and operated by an electric motor, diesel engine or tractor PTO. Performance of the equipment was evaluated by feeding different varieties of harvested canes, with their tops first, to the detrashing rollers through the feeding chute. The trash left on the cane after passing through the detrasher varied from 1.5 to 6.6 %. Trash removal efficiency varied from 77.5 to 94.5 % depending upon the variety. The output of the detrasher was 2.4 t/h. There was a saving of about 17 % in cost of operation and 84 % in labor requirement using the detrasher as compared to manual method, using detrasher in cane field had increase cane output by 40%, ensure regular detrashing every 3 month on your field.

sugarcane detrsher

 For de-trashing the sugarcane leaves.

de-trash 1 acre per 1hr.
Net weight: 270KG Net

2. It also removes the sprouted buds.

Simple tractor operated device that helps farmers to de-trash the sugarcane leaves, It involves the risk of getting injured and also hands will be itching, any Mini tractor with 3 point attach and PTO with 6 splines can be used.

Sugarcane detrasher helps people to remove the leaves of sugarcane easily without any risk of getting injured. It’s Mini tractor operated, that the task is not so laborious for the people who are involved in de trashing.

The advantages of using sugarcane detrasher:

· Easy to Handle

· Reduced cost for de-trashing

· It can be used for all varieties of cane

· It also removes the sprouted buds

· It will be easy to collect and dispose the de-trashed leaves

· This device is 100% mini tractor operated.

· Make laborious task easy for your farmers


Live working demo in Field

Live working video in Sugarcane field in Tamil Nadu. Inspection done by EID parry sugarcane mill

  1. Removes unwanted leafs allwoing more air and light to flow inside the field
  2. eliminates wanted water on the leafs.
  3. Boost up cane grown, this yielding more weight on the cane.
  4. Farmers had seen better result after regular detrashing of the cane in there field.
sugarcane detraher
sugarcane detrshed
Sugarcane Detrasher
Cane Detrasher
Sugarcane detrasher for rent

Farmers Review about the detrasher.

Progressive Farmer in Tamil Nadu.


Detrasher Manufacturing Plant South India

sugarcane detrasher
cane detrasher

Cane Detrasher working Infield Pictures

cane detrasher
cane leaf remoover
cane leaf remoover
cane leaf remoover
Iam so Happy to se such a great invention in India. This type of farm implements used to be available only in Japan and European country. Iam so glad now those are available in India, and are locally made and price very reasonably.
Natarajan Pillai
Kannadi , Tamil Nadu

Video of the field after detrashing

Factory Testing Before dispatching to Customer